The IMDEA Institutes network received approval for a 7FP (PEOPLE-COFUND) Marie-Curie Action for researcher mobility called AMAROUT. The programme co-finances for one year (renewable for two or three) the incorporation of more than 130 researchers into the IMDEA network of institutes. The duration of the AMAROUT programme is 4 years, beginning on March 1st, 2009. IMDEA Software is the coordinator of the AMAROUT programme.

24 Mar 2009
Dream, reality or necessity? In 2001, a trans-atlantic tele-robotic surgery, code-named Lindbergh, was performed from NY by Drs. Jacques Marescaux (the principal surgeon) and Dr. Michel Gagner on a 68 year old French patient in Strassbourg, France, through a robotic device there. France Telecom provided the highest quality, private high-speed ATM network. Following the success of “Lindbergh”, Dr. Mehran Anvari (the world-renown surgeon) operated from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and guided Dr. Craig McKinley in his operating room in North Bay, 340 km away in the North of Ontario, performing a surgical procedure with the help of high-speed lines provided by Bell Canada. These tele-robotic surgical operations demonstrate the need of providing expert health service in an emergency in a remote region of a country, and the power of telecommunication networks that carry both the video for patient observation and robotic control signals.

02 Mar 2009
The network of Madrid Institutes for Advanced Studies (IMDEA) has obtained, in the latest Marie-Curie Actions call for proposals within the Seventh Framework Programme, approval for a co-funding programme for researcher mobility. The scheme, called AMAROUT, will fund the incorporation into the network of IMDEA institutes of over 130 top researchers for a year (extendible to three).

23 Feb 2009
Marco Ajmone Marsan holds a double appointment as Research Professor at IMDEA Networks, the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Networks, and Full Professor at the Department of Electronics (Dipartimento di Elettronica) of the Politecnico di Torino (Polytechnic University of Turin) (Italy). He is also Director of the IEIIT-CNR (Institute for Electronics, Information and Telecommunication Engineering of the National Research Council of Italy) and Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer at Politecnico di Torino. In addition to this, he is the Italian Delegate to the ICT Committee of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, the chairman of the Italian group of telecommunications professors, and the founder and leader of the Telecommunication Networks Group, one of the top research groups in networking in Europe, based at the Politecnico di Torino.

19 Feb 2009
Thank you for granting us this interview and for sharing your thoughts about the issues currently surrounding global communications. Since 1996, you have headed the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany) as well as the Department of Computer Science, where you are also Managing Director of the Multimedia Communications Laboratory (KOM). You are also Chairman of the Board of IMDEA Networks, the Madrid Institute for Advanced Networks Studies (Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Networks). In your own words, what are the Institute’s main objectives and scientific challenges? Should the Institute follow a specific research model in order to secure these objectives?
19 Jan 2009
Thanks to the appointment of Dr Georganas who will tutor doctorates at UC3M
Dr Nicolas Georganas has been appointed as visiting researcher at the Madrid Institute of Advanced Network Studies (IMDEA Networks), during the current academic year, as a Cátedra de Excelencia at Madrid's Carlos III University (UC3M). He is a pioneer in information and networking technology research, as well as an expert in interactive multimedia communications at the Ottowa School of Information Technology and Engineering, Canada.

16 Jan 2009
Dr. Gustavo de Veciana, Professor at University of Texas at Austin, and Visiting Researcher at IMDEA Networks, the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Networks, has been elevated to the distinction of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Grade of Fellow for contributions to the design of communication networks. IEEE is the world's leading professional association for the advancement and application of technology in the fields of electrical and electronics engineering.

27 Nov 2008
The 4th ACM International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies is an important forum that aims to open up informative and stimulating debates on new network technologies that will shape future Internetworking.

17 Nov 2008
The European project GeoNet, a member of the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium, of which the Madrid Institute of Advanced Studies IMDEA Networks is also a member, develops intelligent communication systems for vehicles integrated with wireless Internet. Aims: to improve road safety and traffic management and reduce CO2 emissions.

03 Nov 2008
Dr. Georganas has recently joined IMDEA Networks as a Visiting Researcher and, during the current academic year, has also occupied a Cátedra de Excelencia at University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M). He is a pioneer in information technology and networking research and an expert in interactive multimedia communications at the School of Information Technology and Engineering of the University of Ottawa, Canada.